Foto Expression International - FEI
266 Charlotte Str. Suite 297
Peterborough. Ontario.
K9J 2V4 Canada               Phone: (  705 ) 745-5770 

Commercial Purchase Order Form ( Art ).

Date: ________________________  Client or Subscriber Number:  _____________________________________

New request: ___________________________ Deadline date / _______________time/____________

First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _______________________________________

Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________

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Medium High-Res. Scan: ( _____________________ Meg ) CD: ______________________________

Usage Type:

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Size:1/4 Page:______ 1/2 Page:_______ Full Page:_______ Cover: ________



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Rights:  One-Time Use:____________________________ Other: _______________________________

Print Run:__________________ Length of Time: _______________________

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Is a Fax of Layout Herewith?                                              Yes: ____ No: ___

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Method of Payment:

Type of Credit Card : ___________ Holder full name : ________________________________________

Card number : ____________________________________  Exp. date : ________________________

Western Union - Money transfer control number : _____________________________________________ 

Money Order by : ____________________________________________________________________ 

Entry details: _______________________________________________________________________

Art description or Numbers: _________________________________________________________


Total Number of Images:______________ Total Amount: $________ Prepaid shipment: $_______

Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_________ In: ____________________

Fill out the Order Form with all details, signed and e-mail to: FEI - Art
To confirm your shipment or order call: (705) 745-5770