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Astrology - (Mandala in JPG.)

 O'Toole Faith

O'Toole Faith: 


Astrology weekly and  monthly:

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,  Pisces.

Astronomy - (text and ***charts in JPG)

DuBois Jarrett

Jarret Dubois

DuBois Jarrett: 


I’m sure that everyone knows the old saying, “There are two things you can always count on, death and taxes”. There is one more item that can be added to the list, There is always change in the universe in which we live. On that note and due to changes in my universe, I am announcing to the readers of Skywatch – Down to Earth Astronomy that I am retiring. I have enjoyed doing the articles for the past fifteen years and bringing you the happenings in our night-time skies. Thank you all very much, and remember... keep looking up. You never know what you’ll observe and enjoy in the night sky!

The July 2010 Skies. The June 2010 Skies. The May 2010 Skies. The April 2010 Skies. The March 2010 Skies. The February 2010 Skies. The January 2010 Skies. The December 2009 Skies. The November 2009 Skies. The October 2009 Skies. The September 2009 Skies. The August 2009 Skies. The July 2009 Skies. The June 2009 Skies. The May 2009 Skies.The April 2009 Skies.The March 2009 Skies. The February 2009 Skies. The January 2009 Skies. The December 2008 Skies. The November 2008 Skies. The October 2008 Skies. The September 2008 Skies. The August 2008 Skies. The July 2008 Skies. The June 2008 Skies. The May 2008 Skies.The April 2008 Skies.The March 2008 Skies.The February 2008 Skies. The January 2008 Skies. The December 2007 Skies.The November 2007 Skies. The October 2007 Skies. The September 2007 Skies.The August 2007 Skies.The July 2007 Skies. The June 2007 Skies. The May 2007 Skies. The April 2007 Skies. The March 2007 Skies. The February 2007 Skies. The January 2007 Skies. The December 2006 Skies. The November 2006 Skies. The October 2006 Skies. The September 2006 Skies. The August 2006 Skies. The July 2006 Skies. The June 2006 Skies. The May 2006 Skies. The April 2006 Skies. The March 2006 Skies. The February 2006 Skies. The January 2006 Skies.

Children's Products: Advice.

Stevanne Auerbach

Stevanne Auerbach

Auerbach Stevanne: 

Dr. Toy, for the best advice on children's products: The serious business of play. A Good Toy Choice Can Unlock Children’s Imaginations and Open Their World. Creating Balance in Play. Importance of Play &  Ways to Select to Toys. Importance of Play & Tips on Selecting Best Toys. Great Anytime Gifts. Baby Play. Best Games. Classic Toys. Doll Play. Guide to Selection of Toys. High Tech New Products. Preschool Play. Learning with Play. Expanding Play. Making Creative Gifts. Middle Years Playtime. More on Selecting Toys.     

General Columns.*

Maria Almiron

Maria Almiron: 


A Bullfight for the Pachamama (images provided. Available in English and Spanish). Atlants At The South Dockby. Walking Through The Lost World.

General Weekly Columns.*

Senter James

James Senter

Senter James: 

Religion is Fascinating., Why Religion., Religion is Primeval. Religion Defined. Earliest Religion. Magic and Religion. Magical Protection. Black Magic. The Sorcerer. Magicians, Kings, and Fertility Rites. The King is Taboo. White Magic. Witchcraft. Witchcraft-Christian Heresy. Witches and the Devil. The Inquisition. Holy Horrors-Christian Torture. Holy Horrors II-Women and the Inquisition. Horrors III-Burning of the Witches. Sacrifice and Religion. Blood Sacrifice. Human Sacrifice. Child Sacrifice. Human Sacrifice and Time Capsules. Human Sacrifice Among the Celtics and Teutons Human Sacrifice in the Americas.

Medicine, commentary, advisory and research.

Erno S.Daniel

Erno S.Daniel

Erno S. Daniel: 


Total Body Scans have Limitations in Medical Diagnosis. Help for Patients with Parkinson's Diseas. In the 21st Century the Gift of a Longer Life. Many Causes and Cures for a Leaky Bladder. Welts and Itching may Mean you Have Hives. Controlling High Blood Pressure. Three Million Deaths a Year Attributed to "The Silent Plague". Coming Soon: Cold and Flu and other (More or Less Serious) Infections. Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer's. Claims about Growth Hormone use in Adults Questionable. Calcium's Role in Maintaining Healthy Bones and a Healthy Body. What You Eat and Drink may Interact with Medicines you take. Runny Nose may be More than Allergy or a Cold. Persistent Cough may Come from many Sources. How Much and What Kind of Calcium to Take. Burning Numbness in the Feet may be the Sign of Medical Problems. Rotator Cuff Problems frequent Source of Shoulder Pain. Now and Always a Good Time to Consider Updating various Vaccinations. Animal or Human Bites all Potentially Hazardous. Painful Spasms of the Face may be the tic of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Welts and Itching may mean you have Hives. Restless Leg Syndrome is real. When the World Turns, it may be all in your Head. Persistent Cough may come from many Sources.

National Security.

Gerard P. Keenan

Gerard P. Keenan: 

“Civil Rights” Groups and the Geneva Conventions. Identity Theft is a Threat to National Security. Military ID Theft – A Pentagon Problem That Needs to be Corrected. Separation of Church and State? Why Do We Treat Terrorists Like Criminals? The Geneva What? A Pretty Safe Bet. Identity Theft, a Serious Problem for the Military. Terrorists are Not Criminals. USS Intrepid as a Floating Command Post .

Peer Abuse.

Bennett Elizabeth

Elizabeth Bennett (McKinneny)

Bennett Elizabeth: 



Peer Abuse and Depression in Adults. The National Bullying Prevention Campaign. Relational Aggression and Peer Abuse. Verbal Abuse Unlawful in California. When Will They Start To Get It? Television With A Conscience. Managing Anger From Trauma. Bullying and The American Medical Association. Hazing in Chicago School: Peer Abuse or a Right of Passage? School Prevention and Peer Abuse. Trauma and Treatment in Adults. Other Tidbits and Peer Abuse Happenings! Social Bonding. Phases of Restructuring in Social Bonding. Social Bonding in Peer Abuse. Establishing Goals for Traumatized Children of Peer Abuse. Social Skills to Help Avoid Peer Abuse. Peer Abuse in Girls. How to go about getting an Anti-bullying Law passed. Peer Abuse in the schools. Peer Abuse in the workplace. Celebrities and Peer Abuse. A Rage Found Within: A Walk with Clinical Depression. Grandmother's Messages.

Political and Social.

Doug Patton

Doug Patton

Patton Doug: 


America Has Always Exported Liberty.
God’s Plans Don’t Include Saddam Hussein. God Bless Tony Blair. Hollywood Intellect. Loony Clooney and the Hollywood Left Dishonor the Memory of Those Who Served. Of Love and War. Executing the Innocent. Sgt. Joe Friday Meets Miranda Madness. Al-Queda: Quelled or Just Quiet? Jimmy Carter, the Nobel Prize and Pixie Dust. Paul Wellstone Forgotten. Were Snipers Homegrown or Al-Queda ?   Mereisguided Immigration Policy Kills Eleven in Iowa. California Bill Proves Human Life Amendment Needed. The Dance of Death in Nebraska. Greed is Alive and Well in America, A Child of God, Who Kidnapped My President? The 2nd Amendment Under the Gun. One Nation Under Me. A Tribute to Real Fatherhood. A Lie Waiting to Happen. The Imperial Nine. German Columbine. Amos and Andy and Jesse and Al . The Tragedy of King Richard of Whittier . The Real April Fools' Day. Contemplating the Unthinkable. Criminalizing the Second Amendment . The Death of Free Speech. This Time, Pat Got it Right . President Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Bitter Day for America. Of Bleeding Hearts and Criminals. Jihad Johnny Meets O. J. Simpson. Balkanization of America Dishonors King’s Dream . The Suicide of America. Daschle Hears "Read My Lips" in "Over My Dead Body"

Relationships On and Off the Job.

Gini Graham Scott

Gini Graham Scott: 

.WORK IT RIGHT: Getting Ahead by Improving Relationships On and Off the
Job. Playing Politics and Choosing Your Battles. When Nothing Seems to Work and It's Time to go Legal. What to Do When Everything Seems to be Going Wrong. Dealing With Unearned Praise. Keeping a Lid on a Conflict. Knowing When to Back off. The Give and Take Paradox. When to Turn Down the Volume – or Find Someone Else to do it. Beating the Recommendation Game. When You're Not in the Family. Learning to Let'em Go! Watch out for Confidences. The Great Communicator-Not! Watch out for the Eggshells. When Sweet Revenge Isn't so Sweet. Don't Fight-Find Out! Don't Resign Yourself-Redesign Yourself. Be a Problem Solver-Theirs, Not Yours.


Reports from … and Travel Articles.**

Pavan Bruno

Bruno Pavan

Pavan Bruno: 


Fighters Against Oblivion. “El Call” of Barcelona. Five Hundred Years of Monastic Life. An Anonymous Protagonist From Kosovo. Even the angels have been killed. A Home. Going back to school (Kosovo). An appeal (Kosovo). The Return Home (Kosovo). Stankove 1 (Kosovo). A talk with the Dalai Lama of Tibet., Kerala, a place for all faiths.,   Problems of Tourism (in general)., Flower Secrets., A football match from   Renaissance., Straight from prehistory.,  Gypsies Like Freedom., Birthplace of the Wooden Boy., Gods,  Temples and Dances., Return to Eden., Stories washed away by  time., Dalai Lama Speaks.

Thoughts Along the Way.

Daniel D. Tomcheff

Tomcheff Daniel D.: 


(paid advertising) click on the banner, Tomcheff Daniel

Pebbles in a Pond. Crime, Punishment, and Compassion. An Interesting Word. Cosmic Oneness. Letter to a Friend: J-. Backyard Husbandry. The Culture of Sports. Ecology and Technology. On the Meaning of Life and Death. Numbers, Machines, and Social Customs. A Common Sensibility. The Unanswerable Question of Questions. Letter to a Friend: M-. How We View Celebrities. Communism, Capitalism, and College Sports. Genius. Nice people. Fish, Ships, Dams and Us. Now and Then:  Comparing Views I.  A Universal Concept.  Letter to a Friend: S—.  Reason, Mysticism, and the Mysterious.  Okinawa and the U.S. Federal Budget,  What's One Person Worth? Social Customs: What Are They?  The Near Death Phenomenon.  Letter to a Friend: H—, Now and Then:  Comparing Views II.  Trees, Birds, Insects, and  Cats. Historical Perspective: We in the United States Lack One.  Uniqueness and Democracy: A Dilemma.  Do We Really Know 'The Famous'?  Letter to a Friend: J—,

Las Vegas.*

Mandel Bill

Bill Mandel

Mandel Bill : 

The newsletter "VIVA LAS VEGAS" appears every Wednesday and Friday to keep you informed on the latest news of interest for the traveler to Las Vegas. The newsletter also highlights where to get free coupons for buffets, shows and gaming guides, as well as over 100 lists of special interest to Las Vegas bound travelers. Viva Las Vegas. This newsletter has been awarded one of the top 15 Travel-Destination Services, in the whole world, by The Travel Link Express!!!